narrow window

美 [ˈnæroʊ ˈwɪndoʊ]英 [ˈnærəʊ ˈwɪndəʊ]
  • 狭窄的窗户(或橱窗)
narrow windownarrow window
  1. This happens during a narrow window of development but it stays fixed throughout life .


  2. The brown animal was spotted stuck on a narrow window edge of the office tower .


  3. A narrow window having a lancet arch and without tracery .


  4. Lancet : A tall , narrow window crowned by a pointed arch .


  5. The effect of simple wide window on these aspects was superior than narrow window or narrow window plus IE.


  6. Neal wedged his way through a narrow window .


  7. The extraordinary plasticity of the young brain occurs only during a narrow window of time known as the critical period .


  8. Uprooting some seedlings , Fang says he has missed the narrow window for planting .


  9. Therefore , the Huizhou salt merchants who everybody Home Repair narrow window of time when all the low-profile .


  10. Application windows have narrow window borders with blue , neon-glow highlighting around the in-focus window .


  11. Dynamic intensify image increases its definition in borehole zone , but makes the image step-shaped because of the use of narrow window .


  12. If the rains are late , they will emerge late , and miss the narrow window of time when their host is most vulnerable .


  13. Se has extremely narrow window between its beneficial and toxic dose , in fact , it is toxic at the level not much higher than the beneficial requirement .


  14. This room , lighted by a single narrow window , and by a lamp that was always burning , had the air of a garret .


  15. For a thin interbed of sand and shale , the periodicity of its amplitude or phase spectrum can be unveiled with Fourier analysis in a narrow window .


  16. There is a narrow window of opportunity before full blown addiction that we are not taking into account in our prevention and cessation interventions aimed at kids .


  17. When she is alone she stands on tiptoe on the stoop at the back , behind the laundry , and she watches her reflected mouth in the narrow window .


  18. Just as the Venetian states and Liverpool feel off the trading map as the locus of trade and economic activity shifted , so Hong kong 's " competitive advantage " has a narrow window .


  19. My 17-year-old daughter and I aim to eventually hike the full trail , section by section , in this narrow window in which she is strong enough and I 'm not yet decrepit .


  20. Keep in mind that Mercury , the planet of communication , commerce , and agreements , will be retrograde nearly all through May , so you would have a narrow window in which to work in April .


  21. " There is now a narrow window for many Asian countries to avoid future pension problems and repeating many of the mistakes made in Europe and North America . But it will soon be too late , " the report concludes .


  22. The experimental results show that : when the feature pool contains only six textural parameters that are routinely used , the performance of the classifiers designed under the wide window settings is superior to those designed under the narrow window settings .


  23. Development of Sustained Release Preparations for Narrow Absorption Window Drugs


  24. The development and R & D strategies of sustained release preparations for narrow absorption window drugs were reviewed .


  25. And it was suggested that the high toxicity and narrow security window were correlated with the metabolism by enzyme in vivo .


  26. Banks have a narrow time window in which to drive through change before memories of the past crisis fade and new problems emerge .


  27. Although the vanadium-based SCR catalyst has achieved industrial application , but there are still some defects , for example , lower specific surface area , such a narrow temperature window .


  28. The analysis of high-frequency signals require a narrow time window , the analysis of low-frequency signals require a wide time window , that requires time-frequency window size can change with the change of frequency .


  29. One day , when you were in preschool , I watched you through the narrow little window in the door to your classroom and saw a punk kid knock you over .


  30. In the stress-sensitive reservoir of Central Tarim , because of the narrow security window of mud density , it usually causes lost circulation and well kick by turns . The static equilibrium of wellbore pressure can not be effectively established .
